Bullet Points: Command 5

I do not know the number of failed TV pilots disguised as TV movies that we have covered over the years on Bulletproof Action, but I do know that the number is about to go...

Bullet Points: Body Count (1995)

It is time for another of my Tubi appreciation posts. No other streaming service brings more obscure movies to my attention like Tubi does. Tubi continues to be an invaluable resource in my constant hunt...

Bullet Points: War Bus

In this edition of Bullet Points, I will turn to the suggestion box once again and another movie suggested by Bulletproof Action staffer, Matt Spector… 1985’s War Bus. I have seen my fair share of...

Bullet Points: Cantonen Iron Kung Fu

If I were to create a list of my favorite Kung Fu Superstars, I know Leung Kar-Yan would be pretty high on that list. Leung Kar-Yan (or Beardy for those in the know) shined the...