10 Things You Didn’t Know About Pathfinder

Some people will tell you that Pathfinder is a terrible movie but those same people are also probably going to see every Mark Wahlberg Transformers movie that comes out. Pathfinder most certainly isn’t a great movie...

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Robocop

The cinematic marvel that was 1987’s Robocop was most definitely born from the successes of both Blade Runner and The Terminator, but it also was a strange sort of hybrid film that partially existed out of...

10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Abyss

I would put James Cameron up there as one of the best directors, action movie or otherwise, in my lifetime. The worst part about Cameron is that he takes so long to make a film that...

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Predators

For my entire life, or as much as I can remember, I’ve been a die hard fan of the action film genre. So much so that anyone who knows me closely knows that my favorite movie...