American Ninja 4

Ranked: Michael Dudikoff – The Cannon Years

In past editions of Ranked we have ranked the Cannon filmographies of the two cornerstones of that company… Charles Bronson and Chuck Norris. Now in honor of his birthday, we rank the Cannon films of another...

The Honorable Mentions – Ninja Edition

Last month, Bulletproof Action celebrated its 7th Anniversary when we presented The Ultimate Ninja Movie Countdown. The mega-post featured the opinions of nine special guests along with the staff of Bulletproof Action. With that many opinions...

Bullet Points: American Ninja 4: The Annihilation

By the time 1991 rolled around and American Ninja 4: The Annihilation was released, Cannon Group had seen better times. The glory days of releasing dozens of films each year with the hopes that a select...