ben affleck

Bullet Points: Feast

Creature movies can be really fun. They typically follow a similar structure to one another and I liken them to the way that most slasher movies just swap out the mask the killer is wearing and...

Ryan Shoots First: Triple Frontier

It’s not every day here at Bulletproof Action we get the chance to review a film with such a star studded cast as Triple Frontier. And I mean star studded, I don’t know how Netflix pulled...

Hall of Fame: Jack Ryan

Jack Ryan may be the greatest hero in fake American history. He has been protecting the country and the world from the evils of international terrorism and other assholes since his first film appearance back in...

The Essentials: The Best of Ben Affleck

I don’t waste my time writing about non-action movies. Sure, I watch non-action movies from time to time. I’ve seen about every Daniel Day-Lewis movie ever made and can tell you far too much about the...

Batman’s Tragic Love Life

It’s hard to be the girlfriend of a superhero in comic books. Ask Gwen Stacy, Lois Lane, or any number of DareDevil lovers who ended up super dead. There is a reason that superheroes keep their...

Tough Chicks: Jennifer Garner – Daredevil

After the recent introduction of Elektra Natchios into the Marvel Cinematic Universe during the second season of Daredevil, I began to think back to our first glimpses of the Greek beauty on the big screen opposite Ben...

Bullet Points: Reindeer Games

Ben Affleck has been pretty busy lately cheating on his wife, which I would assume is part of him “getting into the character of Bruce Wayne”. It only makes sense for him to be banging random...

Bad Girls: Charlize Theron – Reindeer Games

Charlize Theron is one sexy, sultry, South African seductress who commits the ultimate act of betrayal on an unsuspecting convict when she makes him fall in love with a person she never really was. As you...