cary-hiroyuki tagawa

Bullet Points: Danger Zone

There are certain actors that when I find out they show up in a movie there is a pretty good chance I am going to watch. When a movie has more than one I am locked...

Bullet Points: Tekken (2010)

Video game movies have never been very good. It’s that simple. Something just hasn’t translated from the games to the screen. I wish it weren’t the case because there are so many awesome games out there...

The Ultimate Albert Pyun Countdown

Bulletproof Action is not only celebrating its 6th Anniversary, we are also celebrating the filmography of one of the most divisive genre filmmakers of our time, Albert Pyun. Love him or hate him, you can not...

Bullet Points: The Art of War

Does Wesley Snipes get the credit he deserves for his contributions to the action genre? Over the course of his career, Snipes has done a wide variety of action movies… He’s been the straight up action...