Golden Harvest

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Righting Wrongs

Vinegar Syndrome has been a real blessing for fans of “The Lady Dragon” Cynthia Rothrock, having released several titles starring Rothrock and even including Cynthia in their big New York Ninja restoration project. While I anxiously...

Bullet Points: Eastern Condors

In this edition of Bullet Points, I once again turn to my stack of DVDs from my local Goodwill and what may very well be my best thrift store find to date… 1987’s Eastern Condors. After...

Bullet Points: Lady Whirlwind

Over the past couple of years, Arrow Video has helped introduce me to numerous classic Kung Fu titles that I missed out from the Shaw Brothers vault. Now I have Arrow Video to thank for introducing...

Bullet Points: The Prisoner (1990)

Going into 1990’s The Prisoner, here is what I knew and thought I knew about the movie… I knew the movie starred Jackie Chan, the title implied that it had something to do with a prison...

Bullet Points: Wheels on Meals

You don’t have a career that spans more than four decades without evolving. And the career of Jackie Chan has had many phases of evolution. Phase one, the bit parts that he took as an up...

True Action: Death Hunt

Any Charles Bronson fan worth his salt is at least familiar with Bronson’s 1981 film Death Hunt. In Death Hunt, Bronson plays a trapper in the Yukon by the name of Albert Johnson. Johnson ends up...

Bullet Points: China O’Brien

Cynthia Rothrock broke into the boys club that was the action movie genre in the latter half of the 1980’s. She was the star of several films including the movie I will discuss today, China O’Brien....