guy pearce

Bullet Points: Bloodshot

People fall into one of two categories: those who like Vin Diesel, and those who do not like Vin Diesel. There aren’t that many people in the middle. His films are rarely mentioned around awards season...

Women of Action: Maggie Grace – Lockout

Lockout must have been the easiest check that John Carpenter ever cashed. A French court ruled against Luc Besson in 2015 and Carpenter was awarded a cool $95,000. Drama, notwithstanding, Lockout was the type of film...

Bullet Points: Lockout

If you think that Escape from L.A. was too much like its predecessor Escape from New York then you might have a hard time with Lockout. Movies like these are like the Target brand of potato...

Bullet Points: Lawless

The fact that they’re making films based on a set of real brothers who ran a moonshine/bootlegging operation in Virginia in the early 1930’s makes me very happy. There are so many films released each year...