
Bullet Points: The Dead Lands (2014)

Has anyone else gotten tired of hearing English accents in nearly all of the historical action films out there? Whether it’s Greeks, Romans, Vikings, or even that one movie that takes place thousands of years ago,...

Bullet Points: Brotherhood of the Wolf

I have been talking about my love for Brotherhood of the Wolf far longer than the existence of this website. It checks a lot of boxes for me; historical film, martial arts action, Native American* hero,...

Bullet Points: Kingdom: Ashin of the North

One of my favorite things in recent years is the Korean historical zombie show currently streaming on Netflix called Kingdom. It’s absolutely bonkers in terms of zombie killings and the political intrigue portion of the show...

You Should Be Watching: Kingdom

There are currently two different shows on Netflix right now with the title ‘Kingdom’. One of them stars Frank Grillo and Nick Jonas and is about a mixed martial arts gym. The other is one of...

Bullet Points: Solomon Kane

I am a sucker for period pieces. Especially ones that go back as far as the story of Solomon Kane. Robert E. Howard has created some pretty intense characters over the years. Well, to be honest,...

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Pathfinder

Some people will tell you that Pathfinder is a terrible movie but those same people are also probably going to see every Mark Wahlberg Transformers movie that comes out. Pathfinder most certainly isn’t a great movie...