Jackie Chan

No Surrender Cinema: The Foreigner (2017)

Political intrigue and subversion are not two characteristics one might think of when discussing Jackie Chan films, but these two subjects are at the core of The Foreigner, the 2017 film starring Chan and Pierce Brosnan. Though I’ve...

Bullet Points: Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow

When you think of Jackie Chan movies, you think of Golden Harvest. And why not? Some of Jackie Chan’s most popular movies were produced by Golden Harvest including Wheels on Meals, Police Story and Armour of...

Bullet Points: The Prisoner (1990)

Going into 1990’s The Prisoner, here is what I knew and thought I knew about the movie… I knew the movie starred Jackie Chan, the title implied that it had something to do with a prison...

Bullet Points: Fist of Fury

I cannot help but think of this quote whenever I think of Bruce Lee… “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” – Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars (1977) After...

Scene of the Week: Shanghai Knights

When Jackie Chan’s Hong Kong movie career really started to take off, it was only natural for Chan to try and replicate that success in Hollywood. Numerous attempts were made over the years starting with 1980’s...

Bullet Points: Vanguard (2020)

I don’t believe anyone can argue that Jackie Chan is a living legend in the movie industry. And the fact that Jackie Chan is still living after all the death defying stunts he has performed over...

Bullet Points: Wheels on Meals

You don’t have a career that spans more than four decades without evolving. And the career of Jackie Chan has had many phases of evolution. Phase one, the bit parts that he took as an up...