Jean Claude Van Damme

Scene of the Week: Nowhere to Run

1993’s Nowhere to Run was an opportunity for Jean-Claude Van Damme to show off his dramatic side, along with the others things he was already known for showing off at that point… namely his martial arts...

20 Reasons Why You Rock: Bloodsport

Whenever I ponder my favorite action movies of all-time, 1988’s Bloodsport is always near the top of my list every single time. Like many action fanatics and movie goers, Bloodsport is the movie that introduced me...

Ranked: The Seasonal 7

Seasonal Greetings Action Fanatics! I say “Seasonal Greetings” because this edition of Ranked will pay tribute to the Seasonal Film Corporation and more specifically the 7 movies Seasonal Films produced for American audiences beginning in 1985....

Scenes of the Week: Kickboxer – The Legend of Tong Po

Legends aren’t always built from a single moment in one’s life. Often times they are layered atop one another like some sort of pyramid of awesomeness. While the rare case of doing something absolutely epic does...

Bullet Points: The Last Mercenary

Netflix is officially in the Jean-Claude Van Damme business with the release of 2021’s The Last Mercenary. For those of you who may have caught the trailer that Jean-Claude Van Damme shared on social media a...

Scene of the Week: Van Damme vs. Stallone

If you believe the Hollywood rumors, Jean-Claude Van Damme was offered a role in 2010’s The Expendables but Van Damme turned it down because in his view, the character that was pitched to him had no...

Ryan Shoots First: Replicant

It’s The Best Van Damme Week Ever here at Bulletproof Action and it is a testament to Van Damme’s career as one of the most famous action stars that even after multiple week long celebrations over...

Bullet Points: Hard Target

I could talk forever about John Woo’s Hard Target. Instead, I decided to do a quick review that highlights some of the reasons why I love this film.  The Most Dangerous Game: I enjoy Most Dangerous...

Bullet Points: Legionnaire (1998)

Twelve years after making No Retreat, No Surrender, Van Damme tried his hand at playing a guy who does more than just yell a lot while kicking faces. This time he would step into some of...