Paul Gleason

Bullet Points: Night Game

Action movies with sports popular in the U.S.A. are a common sub-genre but they don’t happen as much as other action films because the filmmakers are potentially limiting the audience. It is hard to pass up...

20 Reasons Why You Rock: Die Hard

The Bruce Willis of today gets a lot of grief online and on social media and rightfully so. His action movie career is like one of those “how it started, how it’s going” memes. Today I...

Bullet Points: Wild Cactus

I love a good trailer… or more accurately I love a trailer. First, because trailers are short and succinct mini movies and second, trailers can let you learn about movies you have never heard of before....

Bullet Points: Running Cool

There are some movies that stick with you because they have a memorable name and other movies that stick with you because they have a memorable character. When you can give me a movie that has...

Bullet Points: Digital Man

For those of you who have never heard of the 1995 movie Digital Man you may be thinking it is an obscure superhero movie like Black Scorpion or Pumaman. While that would be a good guess, it would also be wrong....