Revenge of the Ninja

The Essentials: 1983 Action

It is now a longstanding New Year’s tradition here at Bulletproof Action to spotlight 12 action movies that will be celebrating a milestone anniversary in the New Year. In this case, 12 action movies released in...

The Ultimate Ninja Movie Countdown

The Tradition Continues… It has become a tradition here at Bulletproof Action each year the staff of the site teams ups with a “panel of experts” for a mega-post, that looks at the best of the...

Stories From The Trenches

After a successful crowdfunding campaign and months and months of hard work, Marco Siedelmann’s book, Stories From The Trenches: Adventures in Making High Octane Hollywood Movies from Cannon Veteran Sam Firstenberg is now available for action...

Hall of Fame: Sam Firstenberg

Director Sam “Shmulik” Firstenberg may not have set out to become a filmmaker synonymous with the action genre, but when Cannon impresarios, Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus, tapped Firstenberg to direct 1983’s Revenge of the Ninja...

Scene of the Week: Like Father Like Son

Shô Kosugi wasted little time indoctrinating his sons, Shane and Kane, into the world of martial arts. As soon as Shô could start training them he did and those skills would pay off both sooner and...