Sharon Stone

Bullet Points: Above the Law

Before Steven Seagal was fake kicking the shit out of people and way before he ballooned up and pretended to be some sort of Lawman, he was legitimately beating people senseless and twisting their limbs into...

Bullet Points: King Solomon’s Mines

Looking back and it is obvious that Cannon gurus, Menahem Golan and Yoram Globus, were bound and determined to capitalize on the success of Raiders of the Lost Ark. The 1981 movie directed by Steven Spielberg...

What If Cannon Made Masters of the Universe 2?

During my childhood, few things captivated me as much as Mattel’s Masters of the Universe did. I had almost all the toys, watched the cartoon repeatedly, wore a He-Man Halloween costume, had a He-Man birthday party…I was all...

Bulletproof Podcast: Episode 21 – Action Jackson

The Bulletproof Podcast is spotlighting the directorial efforts of Craig R. Baxley in the month of September, beginning with Baxley’s first film 1988’s Action Jackson! Join Chris The Brain, Chad Cruise and special guest Chris DePetrillo...

Scene of the Week: Action Jackson

One of the most underrated rivalries in action movie history is the rivalry between Detroit police officer, Jericho Jackson (Carl Weathers) and billionaire auto magnate, Peter Dellaplane (Craig T. Nelson) as seen in the 1988 film,...

Bullet Points: The Quick and the Dead

Sam Raimi is a massive fan of movies. I think you have to be in order to have the career he has had but Raimi has always stood out to me since all of his movies...

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Total Recall

A friend of mine recently asked me, “What’s the last good movie that Paul Verhoeven has made? Starship Troopers?” For the life of me I couldn’t remember any of Verhoeven’s films post-Starship Troopers. I know he...

Bodacious Babes of 1985

1985 was a pretty damn good year. I turned 2, Ronald Reagan had his second inauguration as President of the United States, and Michael Dudikoff mass slaughtered some ninjas in Canon Films’ American Ninja. Those three...