
Bullet Points: The New Gladiators (1984)

Director Lucio Fulci is most synonymous with the horror genre, directing movies like The New York Ripper, Touch of Death and Zombie 3. But in 1984 Fulci would dabble in the post-apocalyptic action genre with the...

What Not To Watch: Time Barbarians

With his hulking physique and his long golden mane, casting Deron McBee as a barbarian in 1991’s Time Barbarians seems like a no-brainer. But as you watch the movie and realize that the inexperienced McBee’s barbarian...

5 Questions: Not Another Mistake

Austria gave us Arnold Schwarzenegger. Belgium gave us Jean-Claude Van Damme. Sweden gave us Dolph Lundgren. England gave us Scott Adkins. Thailand gave us Tony Jaa. Chile gave us Marko Zaror. Redondo Beach gave us Michael Dudikoff and...