No Surrender Cinema: Bullies

Chris DePetrillo

Pop Culture Whiz Kid and Chief Marketing Officer at Figures Toy Company. Follow Chris on Twitter @ZackMalibu

1 Response

  1. Anonymous says:

    This is such a dumb fucking movie. Just cardboard cutout cartoony ultravillains, not believable at all. For a movie like this t work well you need the bad guys to see somewhat plausible..look at Red (not the Bruce Willis one) for a sleazebag family that doesn’t feel over the top. Something like Class of 1984 works this way too…sure the bad guys are terrible, but you can see how they got that way and also it takes awhile for them to ramp up…and you can still see how Van Patten is hurt when he’s turned down for the band. Understandable, but you still want to see them dead. Or the granddaddy, Straw Dogs, you can believe how things escalate.

    This movie is just simplstic, by the numbers junk which is why no one cares about it now (or then).

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