Michael Parks

Bullet Points: The Hitman (1991)

As a Cannon devotee and a Chuck Norris enthusiast it almost pains me to admit that there was one Chuck Norris movie produced by Cannon that I had yet to see… 1991’s The Hitman. What makes...

Bullet Points: Arizona Heat

Glenn Frey was right… the heat is on. Especially in the world of action entertainment. We’ve had movies like Red Heat, Dead Heat, City Heat, Muscle Heat and just plain ol’ Heat. On television we’ve had...

Bullet Points: ffolkes

Playing one character for a long time can be a double edged sword for an actor. Sure you have the steady work and consistent paychecks but it also stifles creativity and can lead to typecasting. What...

Bullet Points: Smokin’ Aces: Assassins’ Ball

Released four years after the original Smokin’ Aces, this sequel attempts to ramp up the crazy action while continuing the thriller aspect set forth in the original film. An impressive cast of characters are once again brought together...

Bullet Points: Strike Force

If the name of your movie is the same as one of my all-time favorite wrestling tag teams, chances are strong I will at some point watch your movie. And that was most definitely the case with Strike...