robert forster

No Surrender Cinema: South Beach

Winter blues got you down? Don’t worry, because No Surrender Cinema is here to take you where the weather is hot and the women are even hotter! We’re heading to the Sunshine State to figure out...

Bullet Points: Counterforce (1988)

Today I would like to salute the heroes of YouTube… those brave souls who upload movies that are getting no love from physical media outfits or any of the streaming services. Movies that would otherwise be...

Bullet Points: Diplomatic Immunity

1991’s Diplomatic Immunity had a lot going for it… First off, it was streaming on Screen Pix so I was once again able to justify my $3 monthly subscription… Second, the synopsis told me Diplomatic Immunity...

Scene of the Week: Vigilante

I am ashamed to admit that I have never seen William Lustig’s Vigilante. This really doesn’t make much sense considering I am a fan of vigilante films and it is not like Vigilante has a deceptive...

20 Reasons Why You Rock: The Delta Force

Valentine’s Day 1986 was truly magical. For action movie loving guys across the United States that didn’t have that special someone to spend Valentine’s Day with… it didn’t matter that year. Because The Delta Force opened...

Bullet Points: El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie

Breaking Bad is regarded by most as one of the greatest television series ever. It never Jumped the Shark. It ended almost perfectly. The only question left unanswered: What happened to Jesse Pinkman after he drove off...

5 Questions: Demolition University

Just when he thought it was safe to go back to school, Lenny Slater is once again dodging bullets and narrowly escaping explosions in Demolition University.  The follow up to 1996’s Demolition High features Corey Haim...